Types of Coffee Beans

Coffee has become a lifestyle choice in every society around the world. Most of the people like to get a sip of it and have an enjoyable time. It may also have both physical and psychological influence on the drinker. The coffee beans play a vital role in providing such influence in a delightful manner. Selecting the beans according to your palate and processing them without losing their aroma and flavor determines the outcome. A satisfying cup of coffee can make one energetic throughout the day. There are varieties of coffee beans available in the market the most famous ones are Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa.



The Coffea Arabica is a profoundly marketed type of coffee beans. Most of the world’s coffee is made from Arabica beans. Earlier, people named the new varieties of Arabica coffee beans from the port they came from. The Mocha and Java are of the sort of old Arabica coffee. Today, names are more specific. They tell us the country, region, and sometimes even the property where they come from. These beans have a sweeter, softer flavor and the coffee itself tends to be less acidic. A fact that has to be noted about this popular and delicate bean is its flavor getting lighter when the drink is provided either cold or blended with milk or cream. But this gets invisible by the addition of artificial flavors.

The Arabica coffee helps in fine fettle by providing antioxidants like tocopherol which supports the immune system and also helps in metabolism by providing vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium. The coffee lovers who would love to add more flavor to the cup or the ones with sweet-tooth, the arabica beans are a good choice.


Robusta is low-priced and contains more caffeine than Arabica and it is used in many commercial coffee products. Because of its bitterness and acidic flavor many people have them as coffee blends than any other types of coffee beans. They are well known for their taste when combined with expressos. In terms of production, they account for the World’s second most harvest beans. As the name suggests, the extracts have a stronger, harsher, and more bitter, with granular or chewy overtones. It is also known as Congo coffee. The cultivation of Robusta beans is less prone to any infection because of its high caffeine content and these crops are certainly forbearing in any atmosphere. These are mostly used with Arabica as filler in a 3:1 ratio. They are also used in instant coffee mixes. The best quality Robusta coffee beans have a hinge of chocolate and rum flavors.

The Robusta coffee beans are preferred by the ones who are concerned about weight loss than other types of coffee beans. They also aid in improving skin and eliminating risks of diabetes. This Congo coffee is also used as pain killers and helps in cellular rejuvenation.


The Liberica is also called the world’s scarcest type of coffee. It has a complex profile of flavors. They can also be said as a mixture of fruity, flowery aroma with a woody flavor. These are predominantly used in coffee blends and instant coffees. These crops are of low yield and are hard to cultivate.

Among the types of coffee beans, these are the ones used home remedies to control low blood pressure and asthma. The aroma of the drink helps in dealing with depression. It can also protect the liver and helps in burning fat.


The Excelsa is technically an adherent of the Liberica family, but it is extremely different. These beans are produced in very low quantities. The coffee aficionados who prefer the drink with an acerbic, sweeter flavor and the traits of both dark roasted and light roasted coffee would go for the Excelsa beans.

They are also used in many traditional medicines to induce peaceful sleeping. They help in processing the glucose better and can improve the mental health of the consumer.

Types of coffee beans in India

Indian coffee business has made swift treads and received a uniqueness in the world’s coffee map. The main types of coffee beans grown in India are Arabica and Robusta beans. There are many varieties of beans made from the above beans.


Kent is a prevalent type of Arabica beans. These beans are less susceptible to damage caused by coffee-rust and are known for their fine quality.


S.795 is one of the most well-known beans of India and Southeast Asia. This variety of beans have a soft taste, rust-resistant nature, and are high yielders in the market which makes them the highly preferred beans of cultivators.


This variety of beans are the result of hybridization between Caturra with Hybrido-de-Timor. These beans have good taste and have hostility towards pests as a result.

Selection 9

Selection 9 is an end product of crossbreeding the Tafarikela and Hybrido-de-Timor. They are called the best Arabica flavor of India. These beans have high rust resistance capacity with good flavor and aroma.

How to buy coffee beans?

The most important facts for selecting a coffee bean are as below,

  • Know your preference in the sense of taste, aroma, and benefits.
  • Find out the amount of caffeine you want.
  • Get the coffee beans from a proper bean roaster.
  • To ensure a decent cup of cup checks the roasted date.
  • Avoid the ones with fancy descriptions.

If you prefer on getting benefits from your caffeine consumption, you shall better go for light or medium roasted beans.

If you prefer having a cup of coffee with a strong taste, then you shall buy the coffee beans that have been roasted for a longer duration.

If you prefer consuming a cup of coffee that has a soft taste with erratic levels of acidity, then you shall buy the coffee beans that are dry, light-colored.

For consistent roasting go for the roaster from a good brand, which may increase the quality of cup consumed.

The storage of beans plays a vital role in getting an effectively satisfying cup of coffee. It is also necessary to check whether the beans are genuinely processed before packing.

Even though there are many types of coffee beans available in the market, selecting one particular variety to satisfy the palate can be a tough job though.


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